Patent searches in Webometric Analyst

You can use search engines to find patents within the Google Patents website that cite or mention academic publications with a simple query. The query should include citation details for your document as well as at the end to ensure that all matches are patents from the Google Patents website.

If you have a file of academic publications from the Web of Science or Scopus then Webometric Analyst can make the queries for you using the Make Google Patent searches for Scopus/WoS data menu item in the Make Searches menu in the classic interface.

Once you have made your file, the quickest way to run the searches through Bing is to automatically submit them with Webometric Analyst. To do this, restart Webometric Analyst, select Link Analysis Wizard from the File menu, select the Web Impact Report from the Wizard, enter your Bing key and wait for it to finish.

The main result is the total number of webpages matching each query. This will be in the Short Results file. Lists of matching pages will be in the URLs section of the mini-website created by Webometric Analyst.

Papers using this as the main method:

Kousha, K. & Thelwall, M. (2017). Patent citation analysis with Google. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(1), 48-61.doi:10.1002/asi.23608