Collaborative online technologies
So what are collaborative online technologies?
collaborative: systems and software that enable group participation in a problem or process. Collaboration systems supply methods for group definition, common technology, interaction and followup, and present a common situation view to all participants while enabling faster problem resolution. [1]
online: describes devices under the control of a CPU (eg a printer being run by a mainframe).
online: term for a computer or node that is connected to a network.
online : the term used to describe teaching, learning and administrative activities undertaken by computer through the Internet. [4]
technologies: equipment used to help create, present, explain, document, view, interpret, analyse, or learn about visual arts works, including tools (eg, chisels, palette knives), materials (eg, paper, fabric, clay, ink), and film and electronic media (eg, video, computers).
internet: the globally interconnected collection of IP protocol based networks.
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