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Main Page >> Web Application Development >> Workbook >> Mini-task 04

This week you have learnt to retrieve data from an existing database/table. But let's work with YOUR database:

  • Register for a Mysql database if you haven't already done so.
  • Using the phpMyAdmin administration page, create a simple table (people, products, films, bands, etc.) For this example I have created a Films table:


  • Still using the phpMyAdmin administration page, insert some data in your table, for example:


  • Finally, create a single webpage that connects to your database, retreive the film names from the table above, and displays them in an unordered list (<UL>):
    • Alien
    • Aliens
    • Alien 3
    • Predator
    • Seven
    • Sin City

Important: make sure that your page's HTML is compliant!

  • Want to try something a little more difficult? Try displaying the name and duration of all films in a 2-column HTML table, as follow:
Alien 110 mins
Aliens 130 mins
Alien 3 100 mins
Predator 100 mins
Seven 100 mins
Sin City 100 mins

Important: you should commit your mini-task code to your Git project.

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All done? Let's move on!