Ora2:Login file

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Main Page >> Oracle and SQL >> Workbook >> login.sql

User Profile

When you login to Oracle it will search for a file called login.sql in the current working directory (normally the U:\ drive, or Documents folder on the University labs).

This can contain any SQL or SQL*Plus commands that you want Oracle to execute when you first login. This is similar to an autoexec.bat, or .profile file.

To create a login file:

ed login

Then add the following to the file:

SET PAUSE 'Press RETURN to Continue...'

Save and exit.

What this does:

  • PAGESIZE affect how many rows are shown before a page break
  • LINESIZE affects how many characters are shown before it wraps the line
  • The PAUSE commands will show 50 lines at a time, prompting you to press return in between (useful if you have a lot of rows in your database)
  • NLS_DATE_FORMAT command will show dates in 4-digit year format. The default is to show 2-digit dates.


  • make sure the file is saved in the top level of your Documents folder (U:\ drive on Windows), or your home directory on Linux.
  • This is Oracle’s working directory, do not save the file to a different disk or drive, otherwise it will not work.
  • You will not notice any changes until you logout and in again to Oracle.

In the meantime the effects of the file can be invoked by running the file:

start login

Note, no noticeable differences will be seen until a query is run!

You may want to add your own changes to this file, such as changing the prompt (SET SQLPROMPT) - search the online documentation for further details.

Next Step

This completes Section 2. Return to the Workbook for the next section.