Should I Install Linux?

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Do I have to install Linux on my home computer to take CP1079 (PHP)?


There are a number of ways in which you can approach the practical work in CP1079.

Take a look at this page on Linux Distribution Choices for SCIT students

Use only university computers - log in to Linux and work on your files locally

  • Advantage - fast, no home computer required, no Internet connection at home required
  • Disadvantage - need to be on-campus to work on your practical

Use a "live CD" version of Linux

A live CD is a version that does not install onto your hard drive, but runs from the CD - is essence, your computer's hardware is temporarily borrowed by the Linux Operating System and your hard disk is not touched.

  • Advantage - don't need to install anything onto your computer
  • Disadvantage - your live CD will likely not have a web-server and the necessary languages installed, meaning that you will need an Internet access to "MI-LINUX" to be able to create and run PHP files
  • Disadvantage - as the whole operating system is running from a CD, it will run slower than it would if it were installed.

Install Linux on your computer

All linux installation CDs (and most live CDs have an install option) that allow you to install Linux on your computer - this is not a scary option to take, as unlike Windows, Linux respects any other operating systems you have installed on your computer, and have options in the install process to allow you to "shrink" the amount of space other operating systems (like MS Windows) uses on your hard disk, and install itself in a small amount of free space made by the shrinking process. This is actually the default installation option for most modern Linux distributions.

But do not Install any version of linux on a windows partition , if you do so you will need to perform a repair of Windows XP in order to use it.

  • Advantage - once installed you can add the Apache Web Server, PHP, and MySQL to your installation and work when disconnected, and Matthew does on the laptop he uses in lectures. You can also experience the full range of Linux software at the full performance of your computer.
  • Advantage - you gain experience in more than one operating system - Linux is rapidly becoming a very realistic alternative to Windows for all users / businesses / schools / etc - I believe that to only have experience of MS Windows is a disadvantage to the modern university graduate.
  • Disadvantage - having to appropriately backup all your important files on your computer just in case the installation fails and you need to re-install your other Operating Systems - but you should be doing this anyway

I'd install Linux, but I would really like someone to help me do it

I (Matthew Green) am happy to help anyone who wants help installing Linux (specifically Ubuntu as it's the distribution I know best) and will organise install events if the demand is sufficient

  • also, there is rumor of a group of Linux enthusiasts amongst the students forming a group to help students with Linux - watch this space

Windows running Linux

It is also possible to use "virtualisation techniques" in order to run linux in Windows as a virtual operating system - I (Matthew) don't advise you take this route, but if you want to, you can read this guide written by Gaurav Kathuria (1st year student)