PHP105 and a half

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A word about include statements

A useful function in PHP is to include the contents of fileX in fileY at a given point.

For example:

  • You could
    • include a menu file in each page
    • or a CSS file dynamically created from a database
    • or any number of other ideas

Create the following file and save it as "menu.php"

 <table border=1>
     <td><a href="page1.php">Page 1</a></td>
     <td><a href="page2.php">Page 2</a></td>
     <td><a href="page3.php">Page 3</a></td>

Now create the following and save it as "page1.php"

 <? include ("menu.php"); ?>
 <p>this is the content of page 1</p>

Now create the following and save it as "page2.php"

 <? include ("menu.php"); ?>
 <p>this is the content of page 2</p>

See if you can create the third page??

Ready to move on?

PHP106 - Flow Control - Selection