Oracle Using Oracle From Home

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Main Page >> Oracle and SQL >> Workbook >> Using Oracle from home

Accessing Oracle from Home

There are several ways to access Oracle from home, or any non-FSE lab in the University:

  • Linux Server
  • Instant Client (SQL*Plus)
  • Application Express (APEX)

For a summary of how to login to Oracle and frequent problems see:

For up-to-date information on how to use the above access methods, please see:

Virgin Media Broadband Customers

If you use Virgin Media as your broadband provider, please note it will time-out your session if you have not used your computer for a bit. This means you will lose your connection to Oracle and will happen no matter which tool you use to interface Oracle (SQL*Plus, SQL*Developer, or via putty).

So, if you are inserting records do ensure you type COMMIT before leaving your computer for any length of time! You might find your table(s) are locked when you re-logon, but Oracle also has it's own time-out limit and this will clear after a bit.

Basically keep typing for this not to happen :-)

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