Oracle Environment Settings

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Main Page >> Oracle and SQL >> Workbook >> SQL Overview >> Environment Settings

Environment Settings

Note, Oracle has default settings for its “environment”, such as how many rows it displays before showing the column titles again, line width, etc. If you do not want the column titles appearing more than once on the screen, or if you find the data is wrapping round, even though there is still space on the right-hand side, the default settings can be altered by changing the Environment parameters.

To see the settings for all the current environment parameters, type in:

 show all

To see a specific parameter, type in, show keyword, where keyword can be substituted by any parameter, for example:

 show linesize

The parameters can be changed by using a SET command, the format is:

set parameter-name new-value

For example, to set the linesize to a larger value:

 set linesize 100

To change the number of rows outputted before re-showing the column titles, change the pagesize parameter:

set pagesize  30

These are the two main cosmetic changes that you may wish to change; other settings will be referred to later in the workbook.

Note, these changes are not permanent. If you prefer these settings they will have to be redone each time you login, or see the section on the LOGIN.sql file (xxx).

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Using the Editing Commands.