MongoDB Getting Started

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Main Page >> MongoDB >>MongoDB Workbook >> Getting Started

Using MongoDB

Using MongoDB involves the following steps:

Starting MongoDB

MongoDB can be started in several ways.

First time

Once logged in, to start MongoDB run either the following command:


This runs with a default password, that should be changed when you first login (see below).

With Password

Once you have changed your password:

runMongo yourPassword

With other settings

runMongo is a script file setup for your convenience that run mongo and logs you into your own database.

If you need to change any of the mongo options you will need to run mongo directly:

mongo dbYourStudentNumber --port 27017 -u yourStudentNumber  -p yourMongoPassword -whatever options required

Changing Password

Once you have logged into MongoDB successfully you can change the default password:

    pwd: "myNewPassword",

Replacing myStudentNumber with your University student number and myNewPasswor with your new password.

Note, the function names in MongoDB are case sensitive.

Next Step

MongoDB Overview.