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Main Page >> Advanced Web Technologies >> Workbook >> Week 04 >> Step 4 - Accessing the database

Step 4 - Accessing the database

And by “doing stuff”, we obviously mean “get data from the database”!

First let's create our Manager class. It contains all the core database functionality: connecting to the server, parsing SQL queries, that sort of things.

It is defined as “abstract”, because it is not meant to be used directly. It serves as a base for more specialized Manager classes to be built on.

Anyway, here is the code:

// Manager.php


// Manager class
abstract class Manager
  static $DB;
  static $stmts = array();
  // Constructor
  function __construct()
    // Get DB details from registry
    $database_dsn = Registry::get("database_dsn");
    $database_login = Registry::get("database_login");
    $database_password = Registry::get("database_password");
    // Create connection
    $pdo = new PDO($database_dsn, $database_login, $database_password);
    self::$DB = $pdo;

    // Set connection attributes    

  // prepareStatement: prepares anc caches SQL statement
  function prepareStatement($stmt_s)
    // Check if statement is already in cache
      return self::$stmts[$stmt_s];
    // Prepare stement, store in cache and return
    $stmt_handle = self::$DB->prepare($stmt_s);
    self::$stmts[$stmt_s] = $stmt_handle;
    return $stmt_handle;
  // doStatement: runs SQL statement
  protected function doStatement($stmt_s, $values_a)
    $sth = $this->prepareStatement($stmt_s);
    // Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again.
    // Runs the statement
    $db_result = $sth->execute($values_a);
    return $sth;

Next, let’s create our Manager class responsible for handling our blog messages. It is called ManagerMessage and “extends” our standard Manager class. It defines the SQL queries needed to handle messages, and adds functions such as getAllMessages and addMessage.

The code:

// ManagerMessage.php


// ManagerMessage class
class ManagerMessage extends Manager
  static $add_message = "INSERT INTO messages(title,message,date_added) values(?,?,?)";
  static $list_messages = "SELECT id,title,message,date_added FROM messages ORDER BY date_added DESC";
  static $search_messages = "SELECT id,title,message,date_added FROM messages WHERE title LIKE ? ORDER BY date_added DESC";
  static $delete_message = "DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = ?";
  // addMessage: adds a message to the database
  function addMessage($title, $message)
    $values = array($title, $message, date("Y/m/d H:i:s"));
    $this->doStatement(self::$add_message, $values);
  // getAllMessages: selects all messages from the database
  function getAllMessages()
    $stmt = $this->doStatement(self::$list_messages, null);
    $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
    return $result;
  // searchMessages: searches for a message
  function searchMessages($keywords)
    $values = array($keywords);
    $stmt = $this->doStatement(self::$search_messages, $values);
    $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
    return $result;
  // deleteMessage: deletes a message
  function deleteMessage($id)
    $values = array($id);
    $stmt = $this->doStatement(self::$delete_message, $values);

Now we can implement the doExecute function in our command (Command_BlogIndex), so it calls our newly written ManagerMessage class:

// Command_BlogIndex.php

  // doExecute
  function doExecute(Request $request)
    // Create manager object
    $manager = new ManagerMessage();

    // Get data from database object
    $data = $manager->getAllMessages();
    // Dump data array to screen


Your website should now be displaying the data from the database in the form an an array:

Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18 [0] => 18 [title] => Test 2 [1] => Test 2 [message] => Hiya [2] => Hiya [date_added] => 2009-07-27 15:06:38 [3] => 2009-07-27 15:06:38 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [0] => 17 [title] => Test 1 [1] => Test 1 [message] => Hello world! [2] => Hello world! [date_added] => 2009-07-27 15:06:29 [3] => 2009-07-27 15:06:29 ) )

We're nearly there!

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