This page has been written by Cara Hughes (0615410).
In HTML you can create lists. These are a list of items, such as links. The two main types are Ordered and Unordered.
What is an Ordered list?
An Ordered list is a list with an order such as a recipe or a step-by-step guide. The items are listed with numbers.
What is an Unordered list?
An Unordered list is a list with a no specific structure, such as a list of names or a shopping list. The items are listed with bullet points.
Coding a list
The coding stucture for lists are reasonably straight-forward. To create a list you need these tags:
<UL> or <OL>
If you are creating an unordered list you need to use
and for an ordered list you need
For each item in the list, you need:
<LI> </LI>
This is what an unordered list could look like:
<UL> <LI> Keyboard </LI> <LI> Mouse </LI> <LI> Speakers </LI> </UL>
An ordered list could look like:
<OL> <LI> Empty ingredients into bowl </LI> <LI> Mix </LI> <LI> Bake for 30 minutes </LI> </OL>
This section has been written by Cara Hughes (0615410).