MongoDB Documents
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Create a Collection
If a collection does not exist, MongoDB creates the collection when you first store data for that collection.
The following example will create a collection representing the DEPT/EMP tables seen in the Oracle Sample Data.
Add department 10 and it's employees:
db.deptCollection.insert( { deptno: 10, dname: 'ACCOUNTING', loc: 'NEW YORK', employees: [ { empno: 7782, ename: 'CLARK', job: 'MANAGER', mgr: 7839, hiredate: new Date('1989-JUN-09'), sal: 2450 }, { empno:7839, ename: 'KING', job: 'PRESIDENT', hiredate: new Date('1980-NOV-17'), sal: 5000 }, { empno: 7934, ename: 'MILLER', job: 'CLERK', mgr: 7782, hiredate: new Date('1985-JAN-23'), sal: 1300 } ] } )