6CC001 Workshop - week 04

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Main Page >> Advanced Web Technologies >> Workbook >> Week 04

Your job today is to implement a blog similar to this one:

The different steps are:

  1. Step 1 - Create and populate database
  2. Step 2 - Create the index.php file, front controller and registry class
  3. Step 3 - Handling user request and creating appropriate command
  4. Step 4 - Accessing the database
  5. Step 5 - Creating our first view
  6. Step 6 - Adding messages
  7. Step 7 - Deleting messages

Let's take it one step at a time... and remember: read and understand the code before pasting it into your text editor!

Step 5 - Creating our first view

All we need now is to pass the data above to a view. Let's create all our views in a "views" sub-folder.

<!-- views/index.php -->


<?ViewHelper::DisplayHeader("Blog index");?>

<h1>Blog index</h1>

<p>You can <a href="index.php?cmd=BlogAddForm">add messages</a> !</p>

<form action="index.php" method="post">
 Search: <input name="search"> 
 <input type="submit" value="Search!"> 

 foreach($data as $message)
 echo("<div class=\"message\">
 <a href=\"index.php?cmd=BlogDelete&id={$message['id']}\">Delete this message</a>


The code itself it pretty simple. It loops through the data array using a foreach statement.

Note that instead of duplication the <HEAD> section in all our views, we have decided to move it to a helper function. All our views can then include the helper file and call the DisplayHeader and DisplayFooter function:

// views/ViewHelper.php

// ViewHelper
class ViewHelper
 // Displays HTML Header
 static function DisplayHeader($pageTitle = "")
 echo("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">");
 echo(" <head>");
 echo(" <title>{$pageTitle}</title>");
 echo(" <link type=\"text/css\" href=\"views/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">");
 echo(" </head>");
 echo(" <body>");
 // Displays HTML Footer
 static function DisplayFooter()
 echo(" </body>");

All you need now is to include your view from your command:

// Command_BlogIndex.php

 // doExecute
 function doExecute(Request $request)
 // Create manager object
 $manager = new ManagerMessage();

 // Get data from database object
 $data = $manager->getAllMessages();
 // Include view

Note: I'll let you create your own style sheet, mine is boring anyway :)


The home page of your blog should now be working!!!


Step 6 - Adding messages

Next, let’s add a command to add blog messages. You might have noticed above that our “add messages” link (see above) points to “index.php?cmd=BlogAddForm”

So first, you need a new command called “Command_BlogAddForm”. It doesn’t do much, it simply displays the view containing the form. Here is the code:

// Command_BlogAddForm.php

// SearchVenueCommand class
class Command_BlogAddForm extends Command
  // doExecute
  function doExecute(Request $request)
    // Include view

And here is the view containing the form:

<!-- views/add_form.php -->


<?ViewHelper::DisplayHeader("Add message");?>

<h1>Blog add form</h1>

<p>Please fill in the fields</p>

<form action="index.php?cmd=BlogAdd" method="post">
  Title:<br><input name="title">
  Message:<br><textarea name="message"></textarea>
  <input type="submit" value="Add">

Again note that the "action" attribute of the <FORM> above points to "index.php?cmd=BlogAdd". So we need another action responsible for reading the user data from the form, and creating a new record in the database... here it is!

// Command_BlogAdd.php

// Command_BlogAdd class
class Command_BlogAdd extends Command
  // doExecute
  function doExecute(Request $request)
    // Get data from request
    $title = $request->getProperty('title');
    $message = $request->getProperty('message');
    // Create manager object
    $manager = new ManagerMessage();    
    // Add to database
    $manager->addMessage($title, $message);
    // Redirect to index

Note: This action doesn't have a view. It simply redirects the user to the index of the forum.


You should now be able to add new messages... try it!

Step 7 - Deleting messages

Finally, let’s create a new action in charge of message deletion.

Again if you browse the mouse over the “delete this message” links, you will see URLs such as “index.php?cmd=BlogDelete&id=19”

So we need a new Command_BlogDelete class. Here is the code:

// Command_BlogDelete.php

// SearchVenueCommand class
class Command_BlogDelete extends Command
  // doExecute
  function doExecute(Request $request)
    // Get data from request
    $id = $request->getProperty('id');
    // Create manager object
    $manager = new ManagerMessage();    
    // Add to database
    // Redirect to index

Nothing too complicated here...


You should now be able to delete messages.

Note: It is always better practice to ask users to confirm deletion first... but you can do that bit ;)