Web Frameworks - Workbook - Week 07

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Main Page >> Web Frameworks >> Workbook >> Workshop - week 07

Zend provides many classes to access a variety of APIs via its collection of Zend_Service classes.

Today let's have a look at the Zend_Service_Simpy class.


Simpy is a social bookmarking service. With Simpy, you can save, tag and search your own bookmarks and notes or browse and search other users' links and tags. You can be open and share your links with others, or keep them private.

Simpy also helps you find like-minded people, discover new and interesting sites, publish your bookmarks, detect and eliminate link-rot, etc.

So before you start, create an account, it's free!

Now, let's see how you can display your favourite websites on your Zend application.

Create a new controller and view

zf.sh create controller simpy