MongoDB ObjectIds
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Object IDs
You may have noticed that the database creates an unique object for each document:
Examine the output carefully and you will notice for each department in the collection something like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5808e3d2ec0ff55100af2649")
An ObjectId is like a primary key found in relational databases, except in this case it is globally unique across the whole database, not just one table. It is similar to objectIds found in object-oriented programming languages.
ObjectIds created by MongoDB are a 12-byte BSON type, with the following structure:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
time | machine | pid | inc |
- time: timestamp - the time in seconds
- machine: machine identifier
- pid: process identifier
- inc: auto-incrementing counter
Adding ObjectIds
You can assign an objectId yourself to a document, but you do need to ensure it will be globally unique, so treating it as a primary key is not a good idea. Instead you can use the ObjectId() function to add one.
Since trying to update individual employee details has caused problems, adding an objectId should help this:
db.deptCollection.insert( { deptno: 100, dname: 'ACCOUNTING', loc: 'NEW YORK', employees: [ { _id: new ObjectId(), empno: 1111, ename: 'SMYTH', job: 'MANAGER', mgr: 7839, hiredate: new Date('2012-08-19'), sal: 2450 }, { _id: new ObjectId(), empno: 2222, ename: 'WILSON', job: 'TECHNICAN', mgr: 7782, hiredate: new Date(), sal: 1300 } ] } )
Check what difference that has made to this new department:
Querying with ObjectIds
db.deptCollection.find({ "employees._id" : ObjectId("580a0e5bf090aeb82af5566c")}).pretty()
Still returns whole array!
Updates with ObjectIds
The objectId can be used to update a record. For example, we want to update employee 2222.