MongoDB Update
From mi-linux
Main Page >> MongoDB >>MongoDB Workbook >> Updating Collections
Updating a Collection
The format of the update command is:
db.collectionName.update({'KeyField': 'value' }, {$set: fieldName: 'newValue' } )
Updating Department 40
To update department 40 to add an employee:
db.deptCollection.update({'deptno':40}, {$set: {'employees': [ { empno: 8888, ename: 'MARY', job: 'LECTURER', mgr: 7566, hiredate: new Date(), sal: 4000 } ]} } )
Change the location to Wolverhampton:
db.deptCollection.update({'deptno':40}, {$set: {'loc': 'WOLVERHAMPTON'}})
Check the changes have been made: