MongoDB Workbook
Note: this workbook is currently Work in Progress!
MongoDB is a NoSQL database available on mi-linux, using a command line prompt. If you are taking a module using this database you will have an account automatically created for you. If you are a Project student who wishes to use the database, please contact to get an account setup.
Using MongoDB
To access the database, first login to ( using your University username and password.
mi-linux can be accessed using a Secure Shell client, such as Putty, that is available using the Apps Anywhere system.
Starting MongoDB
Once logged in, to start MongoDB run either the following command:
or once you have changed your password (see below):
runMongo yourPassword
Changing Password
Once you have logged into MongoDB successfully you can change the default password:
db.updateUser("myStudentNumber", { pwd: "myNewPassword", } );
Replacing myStudentNumber with your University student number and myNewPasswor with your new password.