Workshop - week 01

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Main Page >> Web Frameworks >> Web Frameworks - Workbook >> Workshop - week 01

Quick Start Zend Framework

We are going to be following the Zend Framework Quickstart tutorial to ensure we can get Zend to work properly from our University area.

Following how to set up a project structure, we need to create a directory structure in our personal space.

Using either an FTP client (FileZilla, WS-FTP, etc), or using a Shell prompt through putty, set up the following folder structure:

QuickStart/ application/ controllers/ views/ scripts/ library/ public/

One thing that is not mentioned in the Quick Start, which is often a good idea to do when you begin working on a new PHP server for the first time is uploading a PHP Info test file.

<source lang="php"> <?php // Shows all information, defaults to INFO_ALL phpinfo(); ?> </source>