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== Next Step ==
== Next Step ==
[[MongoDB_QueryData|Querying] the collection
[[MongoDB_QueryData|Querying]] the collection

Revision as of 21:29, 18 October 2016

Main Page >> MongoDB >>MongoDB Workbook >> Create Collections

Create a Collection

If a collection does not exist, MongoDB will automatically create the collection when you first store data for that collection.

You can, however, create one and set some options:

db.createCollection('deptCollection', {autoIndexID : true})

Adding data

The following example will create a collection representing the DEPT/EMP tables seen in the Oracle Sample Data.

Add department 10 and it's employees:

    deptno: 10, 
    dname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    loc: 'NEW YORK',
    employees: [
        empno: 7782,
        ename: 'CLARK',	
        job: 'MANAGER',
        mgr: 7839, 	
        hiredate: new Date('1989-06-09'),
        sal: 2450
        ename: 'KING',
        job: 'PRESIDENT',
        hiredate: new Date('1980-11-17'),
        sal: 5000
        empno: 7934,
        ename: 'MILLER',
        job: 'CLERK',
        mgr: 7782,
        hiredate: new Date('1985-01-23'),
        sal: 1300

Next add department 20:

  deptno: 20,
  dname: 'RESEARCH',
  loc: 'DALLAS',
  employees: [
      empno: 7876,
      ename: 'ADAMS',
      job: 'CLERK',
      mgr: 7788,
      hiredate: new Date(),
      sal: 1100
      empno: 7902,
      ename: 'FORD',
      job: 'ANALYST',
      mgr: 7566,
      hiredate: new Date('1991-12-03'),
      sal: 3000
      empno: 7066,
      ename: 'JONES',
      job: 'MANAGER',
      mgr: 7839,
      hiredate: new Date('1991-04-02'),
      sal: 2975
      empno: 7788,
      ename: 'SCOTT',
      job: 'ANALYST',
      mgr: 7566,
      hiredate: new Date('2015-10-16'),
      sal: 3000

Next department 40, which has no employees currently:

   deptno: 40,
   dname: 'OPERATIONS',
   loc: 'BOSTON'

Things to note

If you are getting errors, check carefully that:

  • every opening bracket has a closing bracket
  • the insert statement uses round brackets: ()
  • an array uses square brackets: []
  • a collection uses curly brackets: {}
    • each element in a nested collection will also use curly brackets
  • each key:value pair are separated by commas, except for the last item
  • strings are enclosed in single or double quotes, e.g., 'myString', or "myString"
  • date strings are enclosed in single/double quotes and the format is 'yyyy-mm-dd' e.g., Date('2016-10-10')
  • use the Date() constructor to create a date datatype
  • date can also be a datetime, e.g., new Date("<yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss>")
  • new Date() will return the current date

Exercise 2.1

  • Compare how you added the above data and how it differs from INSERT records in a relational database
  • Try and add Department 30. Note it has some values for the comm field.

Next Step

Querying the collection