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[[Main Page]] >> [[CP3207|Web Application Development]] >> [[Web Application Developpment - Workbook|Workbook]] >> Week 04
[[Main Page]] >> [[6CC001|Advanced Web Technologies]] >> [[6CC001 - Workbook|Workbook]] >> Week 04
== Step 1 - Create and populate database ==
Your job today is to implement a blog similar to this one:
* [http://mi-linux.wlv.ac.uk/~in9352/OO/blog/index.php http://mi-linux.wlv.ac.uk/~in9352/OO/blog/index.php]
The different steps are:
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `message` text NOT NULL,
  `date_added` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
INSERT INTO `messages` (`id`, `title`, `message`, `date_added`) VALUES
# [[DesignPatternStep1|Step 1]] - Create and populate database
(1, 'Test 1', 'Hello world!', '2009-07-27 15:06:29'),
# [[DesignPatternStep2|Step 2]] - Create the index.php file, front controller and registry class
(2, 'Test 2', 'Hiya', '2009-07-27 15:06:38');
# [[DesignPatternStep3|Step 3]] - Handling user request and creating appropriate command
# [[DesignPatternStep4|Step 4]] - Accessing the database
# [[DesignPatternStep5|Step 5]] - Creating our first view
# [[DesignPatternStep6|Step 6]] - Adding messages
# [[DesignPatternStep7|Step 7]] - Deleting messages
== Step 2 - Create the index.php file, front controller and registry class ==
Let's take it one step at a time... and remember: read and understand the code before pasting it into your text editor!
Our index file is very simple:
// The index simply calls the front controller
Next, let's create our Front Controller
// Front Controller class
class Controller
  private function __construct(){}
  // Main "run" function
  static function run()
    $instance = new Controller;
  // Init config stuff, e.g. database location, etc.
  function init()
    Registry::set("database_dsn", "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=YOURDBNAME");
    Registry::set("database_login", "YOURUSER");
    Registry::set("database_password", "YOURPASSWORD");
  // Handles request from user
  function handleRequest()
    print("Hello world!");
We also need the Registry class:
// Registry class, used to store values to be used across whole application
class Registry
  private static $values = array();
  // Store a value
  static function set($key, $val)
    self::$values[$key] = $val;
  // Get a value
  static function get($key)
      return self::$values[$key];
    return null;
Your page should display "Hello world!"
== Step 3 - Handling user request and created appropriate command ==
We need a Request class:
// Request class
class Request
  private $properties;
  // constructor
  function __construct()
  // Gets all parameters from GET, POST etc...
  function init()
    $this->properties = $_REQUEST;
  // Functions to "set" and "get" properties
  function getProperty($key)
      return $this->properties[$key];
  function setProperty($key, $val)
    $this->properties[$key] = $val;
Next, the CommandResolver class:
// CommandResolver class
class CommandResolver
  private static $base_cmd;
  private static $default_cmd;
  // Constructor
  function __construct()
      // To check if requested command is a valid command
      self::$base_cmd = new ReflectionClass("Command");
      // Default command to be returned if an error occurs
      self::$default_cmd = new Command_BlogIndex();
  // getCommand creates the appropriate command class,
  // depending on parameter passed in URL
  function getCommand(Request $request)
    // Get "cmd" parameter from request
    $cmd = $request->getProperty('cmd');
    // If no command passed in, use default one   
      return self::$default_cmd;
    $filepath = "Command_{$cmd}.php";
    $classname = "Command_{$cmd}";
    // Check if file containing command class exists
      // Check if command class exists
        $cmd_class = new ReflectionClass($classname);
        // Check of class is a valid command
          // Return new instance of command
          return $cmd_class->newInstance();
    // Couldn't find command, return default command
    return clone self::$default_cmd;
Our parent Command class:
// Command class
abstract class Command
  // Make constructor final so sub-classes can't add parameters to it
  final function __construct(){}
  // Execute command
  function execute(Request $request)
    // General setup for all commands
    // ...
    // Then call specific command code
  // Specific command code, to be implemented by each sub-class
  abstract function doExecute(Request $request);
And our first command: the Command_BlogIndex class
// SearchVenueCommand class
class Command_BlogIndex extends Command
  // doExecute
  function doExecute(Request $request)
    print("Blog Index command");
Let's update our Controller class.
We now read the request from the user, and use the CommandResolver object to create a Command.
Add these at the top of the file:
And implement the handleRequest function:
  // Handles request from user
  function handleRequest()
    // Create object that handles request from user
    $request = new Request();
    // Create object that decides which command to create depending on request
    $cmd_r = new CommandResolver();
    // This function return the appropriate command
    $cmd = $cmd_r->getCommand($request);
    // Execute command
=== Checkpoint ===
Your website should now display "Blog Index command".
== Step 4 - Accessing the database ==
First let's create our Manager class:
// Manager class
abstract class Manager
  static $DB;
  static $stmts = array();
  // Constructor
  function __construct()
    // Get DB details from registry
    $database_dsn = Registry::get("database_dsn");
    $database_login = Registry::get("database_login");
    $database_password = Registry::get("database_password");
    // Create connection
    $pdo = new PDO($database_dsn, $database_login, $database_password);
    self::$DB = $pdo;
    // Set connection attributes   
  // prepareStatement: prepares anc caches SQL statement
  function prepareStatement($stmt_s)
    // Check if statement is already in cache
      return self::$stmts[$stmt_s];
    // Prepare stement, store in cache and return
    $stmt_handle = self::$DB->prepare($stmt_s);
    self::$stmts[$stmt_s] = $stmt_handle;
    return $stmt_handle;
  // doStatement: runs SQL statement
  protected function doStatement($stmt_s, $values_a)
    $sth = $this->prepareStatement($stmt_s);
    // Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again.
    // Runs the statement
    $db_result = $sth->execute($values_a);
    return $sth;
Next, our ManagerMessage class:
// ManagerMessage class
class ManagerMessage extends Manager
  static $add_message = "INSERT INTO messages(title,message,date_added) values(?,?,?)";
  static $list_messages = "SELECT id,title,message,date_added FROM messages ORDER BY date_added DESC";
  static $search_messages = "SELECT id,title,message,date_added FROM messages WHERE title LIKE ? ORDER BY date_added DESC";
  static $delete_message = "DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = ?";
  // addMessage: adds a message to the database
  function addMessage($title, $message)
    $values = array($title, $message, date("Y/m/d H:i:s"));
    $this->doStatement(self::$add_message, $values);
  // getAllMessages: selects all messages from the database
  function getAllMessages()
    $stmt = $this->doStatement(self::$list_messages, null);
    $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
    return $result;
  // searchMessages: searches for a message
  function searchMessages($keywords)
    $values = array($keywords);
    $stmt = $this->doStatement(self::$search_messages, $values);
    $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
    return $result;
  // deleteMessage: deletes a message
  function deleteMessage($id)
    $values = array($id);
    $stmt = $this->doStatement(self::$delete_message, $values);
Now we can implement the doExecute function in Command_BlogIndex, so it call our database classes:
  // doExecute
  function doExecute(Request $request)
    // Create manager object
    $manager = new ManagerMessage();
    // Are we searching?
    $keywords = trim($request->getProperty('search'));
      $data = $manager->getAllMessages();
      $data = $manager->searchMessages($keywords);
=== Checkpoint ===
Your website should now be displaying the data from the database in the form an an array:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 18 [0] => 18 [title] => Test 2 [1] => Test 2 [message] => Hiya [2] => Hiya [date_added] => 2009-07-27 15:06:38 [3] => 2009-07-27 15:06:38 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 17 [0] => 17 [title] => Test 1 [1] => Test 1 [message] => Hello world! [2] => Hello world! [date_added] => 2009-07-27 15:06:29 [3] => 2009-07-27 15:06:29 ) )
== Step 5 - Create our first view ==
All we need now is to pass the data above to a view.
Let's create all our views in a "views" sub-folder.
<?ViewHelper::DisplayHeader("Blog index");?>
<h1>Blog index</h1>
<p>You can <a href="index.php?cmd=BlogAddForm">add messages</a> !</p>
<form action="index.php" method="post">
  Search: <input name="search">
  <input type="submit" value="Search!">
  foreach($data as $message)
    echo("<div class=\"message\">
            <a href=\"index.php?cmd=BlogDelete&id={$message['id']}\">Delete this message</a>
As you can see, we have chosen to use a helper:
// ViewHelper
class ViewHelper
  // Displays HTML Header
  static function DisplayHeader($pageTitle = "")
    echo("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">");
    echo("  <head>");
    echo("    <title>{$pageTitle}</title>");
    echo("    <link type=\"text/css\" href=\"views/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">");
    echo("  </head>");
    echo("  <body>");
  // Displays HTML Footer
  static function DisplayFooter()
    echo("  </body>");
All you need now is to include your view from your command:
  // doExecute
  function doExecute(Request $request)
    // Create manager object
    $manager = new ManagerMessage();
    // Are we searching?
    $keywords = trim($request->getProperty('search'));
      $data = $manager->getAllMessages();
      $data = $manager->searchMessages($keywords);
    // Include view
=== Checkpoint ===
The home page of your blog should now be working:

Latest revision as of 14:57, 22 September 2011

Main Page >> Advanced Web Technologies >> Workbook >> Week 04

Your job today is to implement a blog similar to this one:

The different steps are:

  1. Step 1 - Create and populate database
  2. Step 2 - Create the index.php file, front controller and registry class
  3. Step 3 - Handling user request and creating appropriate command
  4. Step 4 - Accessing the database
  5. Step 5 - Creating our first view
  6. Step 6 - Adding messages
  7. Step 7 - Deleting messages

Let's take it one step at a time... and remember: read and understand the code before pasting it into your text editor!